10 Social Media Trends Marketers Should Watch in 2023 [New Data]

by Admin

Posted on 22-05-2023 10:28 AM

If there’s one thing we love to check on at the end and beginning of any year, it’s the trends. Who got what right — or wrong? what did no one see coming? it’s all fascinating to witness. Perhaps antithetical to my love for trend-watching, the biggest lesson i’ve learned from predictions is that no one can tell the future. We can only make observations based on data and the cultural landscape and cross our fingers. amount Keeping that in mind, we — along with experts — outline what we’ve noticed people are picking up more of in the industry and make observations about what the future might hold for social media in 2023.

Predictive analytics market to exceed us$44. 3 billion by 2030. This growth trend reflects the increasing demand for predictive insights, data-driven decision-making, and the growing availability of powerful analytical tools and platforms. Predictive analytics has become popular among marketers and social media professionals, with mentions up 20% since january 2022. Social listening allows big data to be easily accessed, and now ai capabilities are catching up to provide accurate predictions. Predictive analytics has the potential to offer valuable insights into future trends, topics, and campaigns, helping professionals understand how they will evolve.

If you’re searching for social media trends this week, you probably read about the renewed importance of advertising in social media. Social media advertising continues to grow each year from $131 billion in 2020 to $154 billion in 2021 (statista, 2021b). This means marketers are also willing to spend more on social media ads in the coming years. Unsurprisingly, according to company data and data from statista, meta (facebook) takes the lion’s share (70%) of the social media advertising market in the us. Similarly, marketers’ spending patterns indicate that businesses intend to maintain their investments in established social media platforms, such as instagram, youtube, and linkedin.

This means it’d be easier to know the kinds of information your audience engages with. Social listening tools are also going to get more advanced. Growth in big data analytics for social media means that marketers will be able to quickly spot trends in how their audience interacts with their posts and make better decisions. Takeaway for realtors: this trend is more important for real estate brands and influencers with a large number of followers. Of course, anyone can measure engagement metrics – likes, shares, and comments. You can rinse and repeat what works. But with big data, you can actually predict what your audience wants.

The Top 10 Social Media Trends of 2023

Struggling to keep up with the latest social media trends? trust us, you're not alone. Social media is one of the fastest growing, rapidly changing industries in the world – with over 4. 74 billion users, it caters to more than half the entire globe. set In 2022, social media usage grew by more than 190 million users, making it one of the biggest marketing opportunities for businesses worldwide. With the industry forecast to grow to 5. 85 billion users by 2027, we know that if you're not actively using social media in your marketing strategy, you should be – and you should start now.

Our survey found that instagram will see the most growth in 2023, compared to other social platforms. Wondering why? well, if you ask social media marketers their favorite social platform, they’ll likely say instagram. They rank it #1 for roi, engagement, and quality leads. Social media marketers also say instagram has the most accurate algorithm, which is essential for brand awareness and reach. As a result, 52% of social media marketers using instagram plan to increase their investment in 2023. On top of that, 36% of those not yet using it plan to leverage instagram for the first time this year.